SnapShot: Nucleo-cytoskeletal Interactions.


:The nucleus is connected to the cytoskeleton, and these connections are involved in multiple functions such as nuclear positioning, shape and stiffness, cytoskeleton organization, mechanotransduction, gene expression, chromosome positioning, DNA repair, and cell migration.






Janota CS,Calero-Cuenca FJ,Costa J,Gomes ER




Has Abstract


2017-05-18 00:00:00
















  • Effects of LETS glycoprotein on cell motility.

    abstract::Addition of LETS glycoprotein to normal or transformed cells produces increased migration of the cells, as determined by formation of phagokinetic tracks on gold particle-coated coverslips. These tracks arise by a combination of phagocytosis of the gold particles and cellular migration. Increased motility is also evid...


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  • The effect of X chromosome heterozygosity on the structure of the ribosomal genes in Drosophila melanogaster.

    abstract::Sucrose gradient analysis of DNA isolated from detergent-pronase lysates of adult flies has been used to look for ribosomal genes not integrated into the DNA of the chromosome in genotypes containing various combinations of inversions having breakpoints in the proximal heterochromatin of the X chromosome. Unintegrated...


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    authors: Harford AG,Zuchowski CI

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  • A functional interaction between the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II and the negative regulator SIN1.

    abstract::The C-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of yeast RNA polymerase II contains 26-27 tandem copies of a conserved heptapeptide of unknown function. Yeast strains whose CTD contains ten heptamers are viable but defective for transcription of the INO1 gene and cold sensitive for growth. Deletion of the SIN1 gene...


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  • EMT and dissemination precede pancreatic tumor formation.

    abstract::Metastasis is the leading cause of cancer-associated death but has been difficult to study because it involves a series of rare, stochastic events. To capture these events, we developed a sensitive method to tag and track pancreatic epithelial cells in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer. Tagged cells invaded and enter...


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  • Synthesis of H1 histones by BHK cells in G1.

    abstract::The synthesis of histones and DNA was examined in BHK cells arrested in G1 by isoleucine starvation and in cells progressing into the S phase upon isoleucine refeeding. Approximately 2-3% of the cells were not arrested in G1 and synthesized DNA. The rate of synthesis of DNA and nucleosomal histones observed in cells s...


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  • Identification and characterization of the mouse obesity gene tubby: a member of a novel gene family.

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  • Transcriptional activation of cloned human beta-globin genes by viral immediate-early gene products.

    abstract::When the human beta-globin gene is transfected into Hela cells, no beta-globin RNA is detected unless the gene is linked to a viral transcription enhancer. In this paper we show that trans-acting adenovirus and herpesvirus (pseudorabies) transcriptional regulatory proteins can circumvent this enhancer requirement for ...


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  • Remodeling of synaptic actin induced by photoconductive stimulation.

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  • Identification of a nuclear receptor that is activated by farnesol metabolites.

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  • Structurally distinct and stage-specific adenylyl cyclase genes play different roles in Dictyostelium development.

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  • Type 5 adenylyl cyclase disruption increases longevity and protects against stress.

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  • The Drosophila homolog of the mouse mammary oncogene int-1 is identical to the segment polarity gene wingless.

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  • Comparative Flavivirus-Host Protein Interaction Mapping Reveals Mechanisms of Dengue and Zika Virus Pathogenesis.

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  • Influence of histone H1 on chromatin structure.

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  • A ceRNA hypothesis: the Rosetta Stone of a hidden RNA language?

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  • Structural basis of transcriptional pausing in bacteria.

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  • The calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion system regulates inner cell mass formation and cell surface polarization in early mouse development.

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    abstract::During eukaryotic translation initiation, initiator tRNA does not insert fully into the P decoding site on the 40S ribosomal subunit. This conformation (POUT) is compatible with scanning mRNA for the AUG start codon. Base pairing with AUG is thought to promote isomerization to a more stable conformation (PIN) that arr...


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  • Three-dimensional visualization of the rotavirus hemagglutinin structure.

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  • Modeling recent human evolution in mice by expression of a selected EDAR variant.

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  • 95 kd sperm proteins bind ZP3 and serve as tyrosine kinase substrates in response to zona binding.

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  • Negative control of the helix-loop-helix family of myogenic regulators in the NFB mutant.

    abstract::We have characterized a nondifferentiating mouse muscle cell line, NFB, that represses the activity of the helix-loop-helix (HLH) family of myogenic regulators, yet expresses sarcomeric actins. The NFB MyoD gene is silent, but can be activated upon transfection of a long terminal region-controlled chicken MyoD cDNA, r...


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