Catechin derivatives: specific inhibitor for caspases-3, 7 and 2, and the prevention of apoptosis at the cell and animal levels.


:Tea-catechin derivatives are shown to inhibit activities of caspases-3, 2 and 7 in vitro, and prevented experimental apoptosis at the cell and animal levels. Epigallo-catechin-gallate showed the strongest inhibition at 1 x 10(-7)M to these caspases, but cysteine cathepsins and caspase-8 were not inhibited. Caspase-3 inhibition showed a 2nd-order allosteric-type, but the inhibition of caspases-2 and 7 showed a non-competitive-type. The apoptosis-test using cultured HeLa cells was inhibited by these catechins. In rat hepatocytes, apoptosis was induced by d-galactosamine in vivo. In this case, caspase-3 activity in the cytoplasm, the serum aminotransferases and dUTP nick formation detected by TUNNEL-staining were effects, and these elevations were suppressed by administration of catechin.




FEBS letters


Katunuma N,Ohashi A,Sano E,Ishimaru N,Hayashi Y,Murata E





Has Abstract


2006-02-06 00:00:00














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