Full-length nucleotide sequence of a simian TT virus isolate obtained from a chimpanzee: evidence for a new TT virus-like species.


:Recently, we identified TT virus (TTV) isolates from nonhuman primates and named them simian TTV (s-TTV). To characterize the genomic structure of these isolates in more detail, the full-length nucleotide sequence of the s-TTV isolate (designated s-TTV CH65-1), recovered from a chimpanzee born in West Africa, was amplified by nested PCR with inverted primers deduced from the untranslated region of s-TTV DNA. CH65-1 was composed of 3899 nucleotides (nt) and had two open reading frames (ORF) spanning 2295 nt (ORF1) and 402 nt (ORF2). The sequence had only 52.3% similarity to the prototype TA278 human isolate. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that CH65-1 was distinct from the human TTV isolates. These results suggested that s-TTV may represent a new TTV-like viral species or genus.






Inami T,Obara T,Moriyama M,Arakawa Y,Abe K




Has Abstract


2000-11-25 00:00:00
















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