Is immune cell activation the missing link in the pathogenesis of post-diarrhoeal HUS?


:Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), which is caused by Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli, is the commonest cause of acute renal failure in childhood. It is widely believed that HUS develops following the release of Stx, an AB5 toxin that inhibits protein synthesis and has a direct toxic effect on the kidney endothelium. There remains, however, a mismatch between the current understanding of the pathogenesis of HUS and the evolution of the clinical signs of the disease. Our hypothesis is that Stx-mediated immune cell activation in the gut is the missing link in the pathogenesis of this condition, initiating the characteristic renal pathology of HUS either alone or in synergy with Stx. Validation of this hypothesis could lead to a targeted anti-inflammatory approach aimed at modulating immune cell function in HUS.


Trends Microbiol


Trends in microbiology


Heyderman RS,Soriani M,Hirst TR




Has Abstract


2001-06-01 00:00:00














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