Influences of sinusoidal electric fields on excitability in the rat hippocampal slice.


:The influence of extracellular sinusoidal electric fields on the amplitude of population spikes evoked by single test pulses in excitatory pathways to CA1 pyramidal neurons was studied in rat hippocampal slices. The fields in the tissue were of the order of EEG gradients. Stimulation at 5 Hz, a frequency representative of hippocampal theta activity, was compared with 60 Hz, which is often used in kindling procedures. Brief stimulation (5-30 s) with both 5 and 60 Hz fields (20-70 mV/cmp-p in the perfusing solution) often produced a long-term increase (longer than 10 min) of the population spike. Fields at 60 Hz, but not at 5 Hz, also induced short-term depression (1-6 min) or transient post-field excitation (15-30 s). Prolonged stimulation (3 min) emphasized this frequency dependent response: fields at 5 Hz induced long-lasting potentiation while fields at 60 Hz always resulted in progressive depression persisting for a few minutes after the end of stimulation. These effects appeared as a global response of CA1 neurons. Antidromic responses studied during blockade of synaptic transmission (0.2 mM Ca2+, 4 mM Mg2+) were depressed during and following 3 min field stimulation at either frequency, which could reflect failing calcium mechanisms in the tissue. The field influence on the potential evoked by synaptic or antidromic stimulation was independent of the phase of the sine wave at which the test pulse was delivered, arguing against a direct polarization of the cell membrane by the fields. The experimental evidence suggests a functional role for EEG-like fields in hippocampal excitability.


Brain Res


Brain research


Bawin SM,Sheppard AR,Mahoney MD,Adey WR




Has Abstract


1984-12-10 00:00:00














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