Bovine herpesvirus 1 protein bICP0 represses the transcription of bISG15 in fetal bovine lung cells.


:The ubiquitin-like modifier bISG15 is an antiviral protein found in fetal bovine lung (FBL) cells. Bovine Herpesvirus 1(BHV-1), which is a viral pathogen of cattle, can infect FBL cells and induce cytopathic effects. Real-time PCR assays showed that BHV-1's infection could repress the basal or inducible transcription of bISG15 in FBL cells. It demonstrates that this repression effect depends on BHV-1 viral infection and new protein synthesis. Our previous work showed that bIRF-3 was the key factor in the stimulation of bISG15 in FBL cells, so the effect of BHV-1 viral protein on bIRF-3 activating the promoter of bISG15 was confirmed. The luciferase assay showed the BHV-1 viral protein bICP0 inhibited the activation of bISG15 promoter stimulated by bIRF-3. Taken together, our work suggested that BHV-1 had some molecular mechanism to resist the cellular bISG15's antiviral functions.


Virol Sin


Virologica Sinica


Liu C,Kong XH,Qiao WT,Geng YQ




Has Abstract


2011-12-01 00:00:00












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