Primary and post-irradiation inactivation of the sulfhydryl enzyme malate synthase: correlation of protective effects of additives.


:The presence of additives during X-irradiation of malate synthase led to radioprotective effects against primary and post-irradiation inactivation. Pronounced effects were provided by typical scavengers, sulfhydryl reagents and specific ligands (substrates, products, analogues). The results show that scavenging and specific protection are responsible for the protective efficiency of additives. Scavengers delete noxious species formed during irradiation or post-radiationem. Sulfhydryl reagents may act as repair substances. Specific ligands protect the active site of the enzyme and the essential sulfhydryls; specific protection is more pronounced post-radiationem. Ligands and sulfhydryl reagents may additionally act as scavengers. A cumulative index for the protective power of additives against both sorts of inactivation was established.




FEBS letters


Durchschlag H,Zipper P




Has Abstract


1988-09-12 00:00:00














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