Risk-taking behaviors and stressors differentially predict suicidal preparation, non-fatal suicide attempts, and suicide deaths.


:Negative life events are elevated in suicidal populations. Diathesis-stress and kindling effects models suggest different mechanisms by which negative life events increase suicide risk. Different forms of negative life events - risk-taking behaviors and stressors - may have different effects on non-fatal suicide attempts and suicide. We assessed the effects of risk-taking behaviors and stressors on suicide, history of non-fatal suicide attempts, and active preparation for suicide in a sample of adults who died by suicide or other causes (N = 377). Psychological autopsy procedures using family member interviews and collateral record review were used to complete a risk-taking behaviors composite measure from the Structured Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders, the Modified Life Experiences Scale, and the planning subscale of the Suicide Intent Scale. Stressors were significantly associated with death by suicide, even when accounting for demographic and diagnostic characteristics. Risk-taking behaviors were significantly associated with non-fatal suicide attempts, even when accounting for demographic and diagnostic characteristics. Suicide decedents who did not actively prepare for suicide showed significantly higher risk-taking scores than suicide decedents who actively planned for suicide. Our results suggest that risk-taking behaviors and stressors impact suicide risk through separate mechanisms. Risk-taking behaviors may represent a longstanding vulnerability to act impulsively on suicidal thoughts. Stressors may impact risk for fatal suicidal behaviors in mood disordered populations.


Psychiatry Res


Psychiatry research


Athey A,Overholser J,Bagge C,Dieter L,Vallender E,Stockmeier CA




Has Abstract


2018-12-01 00:00:00












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