:bHLH and LIM-HD transcription factors were originally thought to act at different stages of neurogenesis: bHLHs as neuronal "inducers" and LIM-HDs as postmitotic subtype determinants. These distinctions are becoming blurred, and a current study by Lee and Pfaff in this issue of Neuron shows that interaction between these factors functions to synchronize neurogenesis with neuronal cell type specification.
Allan DW,Thor Sdoi
Has Abstractpub_date
2003-06-05 00:00:00pages
NEURON文献大全abstract::Rodents begin to use bilaterally coordinated, rhythmic sweeping of their vibrissae ("whisking") for environmental exploration around 2 weeks after birth. Whether (and how) the vibrissal control circuitry changes after birth is unknown, and the relevant premotor circuitry remains poorly characterized. Using a modified ...
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