PhTx4, a new class of toxins from Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom, inhibits the glutamate uptake in rat brain synaptosomes.


:We report the characterization of a new class of glutamate uptake inhibitors isolated from Phoneutria nigriventer venom. Glutamate transport activity was assayed in rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes by using [(3)H]-L-glutamate. PhTx4 inhibited glutamate uptake in a dose dependent manner. The IC(50) value obtained was 2.35+/-0.9 microg/ml which is in the observed range reported for glutamate uptake blockers. Tx4-7, one of PhTx4 toxins, showed the strongest inhibitory activity (50.3+/-0.69%, n=3).


Brain Res


Brain research


Mafra RA,Figueiredo SG,Diniz CR,Cordeiro MN,Cruz JD,De Lima ME




Has Abstract


1999-06-12 00:00:00














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