Agonist regulation of cellular G protein levels and distribution: mechanisms and functional implications.


:Exposure of cells to agonists of receptors linked to G proteins can result in downregulation of cellular levels or redistribution of G proteins from membranes to the cytosol. Agonist-induced reductions in G protein levels have been observed for members of each of the Gs, Gi and Gq families of G proteins, are likely to be dependent upon the level of receptor expression, and are generally restricted to the G protein(s) with which the receptor interacts. The mechanisms responsible, reviewed here by Graeme Milligan, vary with cell type and include both second messenger-dependent and -independent enhanced protein degradation. Agonist-induced reduction in cellular G protein levels can provide one mechanism for the development of sustained heterologous desensitization.


Trends Pharmacol Sci


Milligan G




Has Abstract


1993-11-01 00:00:00














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