Auditory neuroscience in fruit flies.


:Since the first analysis of the Drosophila courtship song more than 50 years ago, the molecular and neural mechanisms underlying the acoustic communication between fruit flies has been studied extensively. The results of recent studies utilizing a wide array of genetic tools provide novel insights into the anatomic and functional characteristics of the auditory and other mechanosensory systems in the fruit fly. Johnston's hearing organ, the antennal ear of the fruit fly, serves as a complex sensor not only for near-field sound but also for gravity and wind. These auditory and non-auditory signals travel in parallel from the fly ear to the brain, feeding into neural pathways similar to the auditory and vestibular pathways of the human brain. This review discusses these recent findings and outlines auditory neuroscience in flies.


Neurosci Res


Neuroscience research


Kamikouchi A




Has Abstract


2013-07-01 00:00:00














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