Alterations in expression of E2F-1 and E2F-responsive genes by RB, p53 and p21(Sdi1/WAF1/Cip1) expression.


:RB, p53 and p21(Sdi1/WAF1/Cip1) interact in the induction of G1 arrest. We established osteosarcoma cell lines in which a tetracycline-regulatable promoter controls the induction of RB, p53 and p21. By using these cell lines, we investigated whether RB, p53 or p21 regulates, in the same manner or differently, expression and function of E2F-1 and its responsive genes. E2F-1 gene products and transcripts of the E2F-responsive genes decreased in response to RB. Similar changes occurred to p53 and p21 when RB is present. However, in the absence of RB, some of the E2F-responsive genes decreased in response to p53 but not to p21. Thus, RB is a critical component for regulating the E2F-responsive genes, while p53 alone affects only a subset of these genes.




FEBS letters


Ookawa K,Tsuchida S,Kohno T,Yokota J





Has Abstract


2001-06-29 00:00:00














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