A Gaseous Milieu: Extending the Boundaries of the Rhizosphere.


:Plant root activities shape microbial community functioning in the soil, making the rhizosphere the epicenter of soil biogeochemical processes. With this opinion article, we argue to rethink the rhizosphere boundaries: as gases can diffuse several centimeters away from the roots into the soil, the portion of soil influenced by root activities is larger than the strictly root-adhering soil. Indeed, gases are key drivers of biogeochemical processes due to their roles as energy sources or communication molecules, which has the potential to modify microbial community structure and functioning. In order to get a more holistic perspective on this key environment, we advocate for interdisciplinarity in rhizosphere research by combining knowledge of soluble compounds with gas dynamics.


Trends Microbiol


Trends in microbiology


de la Porte A,Schmidt R,Yergeau É,Constant P




Has Abstract


2020-07-01 00:00:00














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