Structure and function of Listeria teichoic acids and their implications.


:Teichoic acids (TAs) are the most abundant glycopolymers in the cell wall of Listeria, an opportunistic Gram-positive pathogen that causes severe foodborne infections. Two different structural classes of Listeria TA exist: the polyribitolphosphate-based wall teichoic acid (WTA) that is covalently anchored to the peptidoglycan, and the polyglycerolphosphate-based lipoteichoic acid (LTA) that is tethered to the cytoplasmic membrane. While TA polymers govern many important physiological processes, the diverse glycosylation patterns of WTA result in a high degree of surface variation across the species and serovars of Listeria, which in turn bestows varying effects on fitness, biofilm formation, bacteriophage susceptibility and virulence. We review the advances made over the past two decades, and our current understanding of the relationship between TA structure and function. We describe the various types of TA that have been structurally determined to date, and discuss the genetic determinants known to be involved in TA glycosylation. We elaborate on surface proteins functionally related to TA decoration, as well as the molecular and analytical tools used to probe TAs. We anticipate that the growing knowledge of the Listeria surface chemistry will also be exploited to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for this pathogen.


Mol Microbiol


Molecular microbiology


Sumrall ET,Keller AP,Shen Y,Loessner MJ




Has Abstract


2020-03-01 00:00:00












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