The pattern of gene expression in mouse Gr-1(+) myeloid progenitor cells.


:To understand the pattern of gene expression in mouse myeloid progenitor cells, we carried out a genome-wide analysis of gene expression in mouse bone marrow Gr-1(+) cells using SAGE and GLGI techniques. We identified 22,033 unique SAGE tags with quantitative information from 73,869 collected SAGE tags. Among these unique tags, 64% match known sequences, including many genes important for myeloid differentiation, and 36% have no matches to known sequences and are likely to represent novel genes. We compared the expression of mouse Gr-1(+) and human CD15(+) myeloid progenitor cells and showed that the pattern of gene expression of these two cell populations had some similarities. We also compared the expression of mouse Gr-1(+) myeloid progenitor cells with that of mouse brain tissue and found a highly tissue-specific manner of gene expression in these two samples. Our data provide a basis for studying altered gene expression in myeloid disorders using mouse models.






Chen J,Rowley DA,Clark T,Lee S,Zhou G,Beck C,Rowley JD,Wang SM




Has Abstract


2001-10-01 00:00:00
















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