Saporin production from in vitro cultures of the soapwort Saponaria officinalis L.


:We report here the successful establishment of callus, cell and root cultures from explants of in-vitro-grown plantlets of the soapwort Saponaria officinalis L. The production of saporin in the different tissue systems was evaluated by determining the capability of crude extracts to inactivate protein synthesis and by Western blotting analysis. Protein synthesis inhibition varied in callus and derived cell suspensions and in cultured roots, the latter, in particular, showing the lowest specific activity. The ribosome-inactivating principle from root cultures was purified to homogeneity by cation exchange chromatography.


Plant Cell Rep


Plant cell reports


Di Cola A,Di Domenico C,Poma A,Spanò L




Has Abstract


1997-11-01 00:00:00














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