Effect of sarcomere length on total capillary length in skeletal muscle: in vivo evidence for longitudinal stretching of capillaries.


:It is generally assumed that when a muscle is shortened or extended the total length of capillaries does not change, implying that capillaries are nondistensible, longitudinally. On the basis of stereological estimates of capillary anisotropy versus sarcomere length, we propose that as long as capillaries are in a tortuous configuration muscle extension will merely decrease the tortuosity, leaving vessel length unaltered. Once capillaries have been pulled into a straight configuration, further extension of the muscle will cause the vessels to stretch. By means of intravital videomicroscopy we have demonstrated that stretching of individual capillaries does indeed occur over a sarcomere length range of 2.1 to 2.9 microns in rat extensor digitorum longus muscle. In vivo measurements of the lengths of six capillaries together with the sarcomere lengths of adjacent fibers were made in muscles positioned at various degrees of extension. Normalized data indicated that four capillaries stretched to the same degree as the muscle, one stretched more and another less. This may reflect differences in distensibility or tortuosity of capillaries in series with one another. The elastic stretching of capillaries during muscle activity may have important consequences in terms of shifts in permeability and increases in capillary surface area.


Microvasc Res


Microvascular research


Ellis CG,Mathieu-Costello O,Potter RF,MacDonald IC,Groom AC




Has Abstract


1990-07-01 00:00:00












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