Studies on cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism in patients with established cerebral infarcts undergoing omental transposition.


:Regional cerebral blood flow, blood volume, fractional oxygen extraction, and oxygen consumption were measured by positron emission tomography in 4 stroke patients prior to and 6 months following omental transposition surgery. Preoperatively, 3 patients showed the typical picture of established infarction with a matched reduction in flow and oxygen metabolism and a normal oxygen extraction fraction in the symptomatic hemisphere. One patient showed a chronically impaired perfusion reserve with a proportionally greater reduction in flow than oxygen metabolism and a compensatory rise in oxygen extraction ratio. No change in the physiological parameters was demonstrated in the postoperative studies.






Herold S,Frackowiak RS,Neil-Dwyer G




Has Abstract


1987-01-01 00:00:00














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  • Carotid plaque MRI and stroke risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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