Human platelet CD36 (GPIIIb, GPIV) binds to cholesteryl-hemisuccinate and can be purified by a simple two-step method making use of this property.


:CD36, also known as GPIIIb or GPIV, is a main protein of the platelet membrane. Accumulating evidence implicates CD36 in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. CD36 binds to cholesteryl-hemisuccinate coupled to agarose. This binding may be of physiologic relevance since CD36 has a long extracellular hydrophobic region at its N-terminus and belongs to a family of proteins involved in lipid metabolism. This newly discovered binding property of CD36 was used to develop a rapid, efficient and gentle two-step purification method for CD36 from human platelets.


Thromb Haemost


Kronenberg A,Grahl H,Kehrel B


Has Abstract


1998-05-01 00:00:00














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