The contractile apparatus of striated muscle in the course of atrophy and regeneration. I. Myosin and actin filaments in the denervated rat soleus.


:The ultrastructure of the contractile apparatus of the rat soleus muscle during the course of denervation atrophy was investigated. It was found that the ratio of thin the thick filaments increased in myofibrils of atrophying muscle fibers. Elevation of the ratio was observed as early as the second day after denervation, and became more pronounced with the progress of atrophy. Parallel measurements of the amounts of actin and myosin in the myofibrils and in the muscle protein extracts revealed a lower proportion of myosin heavy chains to actin in the fractions from denervated muscles, compared with the control values. Both the electron-microscopic observations and the biochemical evaluation of the actin content of the muscle, suggests that the elevated ratio of thin of thick filaments seen in the course of the muscle atrophy appears as the results of an earlier and more intensive disappearance of thick filaments. Thin filaments disappeared more slowly, in parallel to the decrease in muscle weight. On the basis of the results presented a mechanism of progress of "simple atrophy" of muscle in suggested.


Cell Tissue Res


Cell and tissue research


Jakubiec-Puka A,Kulesza-Lipka D,Krajewski K




Has Abstract


1981-01-01 00:00:00












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