Is attrition bias a problem in neonatal follow-up?


AIM:To assess whether attrition rate influences outcome in the follow-up of very preterm infants. STUDY DESIGN:In a national follow-up study of infants born alive in 1983 in the Netherlands with a gestational age less than 32 weeks and/or a birth weight less than 1500 g, outcome was assessed separately for adolescents who responded early or late to a follow-up invitation at age 14 years. Neonatal data and outcome results of earlier assessments from early and late responders were compared to those of non-responders by univariate and nominal (polytomous logistic) regression analysis. SUBJECTS:There were 723 (76%) early responders, 130 (14%) late responders and 109 (11%) non-responders. RESULTS:We found significantly more non-Dutch origin and more disabilities and school problems at age 10 years in late- and especially in non-responders. At age 14 years, the health utility index was significantly lower in late responders compared to early responders. School outcome did not show difference in relation to the response groups. CONCLUSION:The results suggest that the incidence of adverse outcome in very preterm infants is underestimated when follow-up is incomplete and hence response rate is not a negligible problem in the assessment of late outcome. Therefore, follow-up studies should include a drop-out analysis to enable comparison to other studies.


Early Hum Dev


Early human development


Hille ET,den Ouden AL,Stuifbergen MC,Verrips GH,Vogels AG,Brand R,Gravenhorst JB,Verloove-Vanhorick SP





Has Abstract


2005-11-01 00:00:00














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