HIV-1 gp41 binds to several proteins on the human B-cell line, Raji.


:Based on our findings that HIV-1 gp41 independently of CD4, can bind to the helper T-cell line H9, we characterized putative binding of HIV-1 gp41 to B-cell lines, Raji, Bjab and Ramos. Using fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) we examined the binding of soluble gp41 (sgp41; Env amino acid 539-684) to these B-cell lines. Using sgp41 attached to sepharose beads Raji cell lysates were absorbed. The sgp41-eluate of Raji cell lysates could inhibit the sgp41-binding to Raji cells. By SDS-PAGE of sgp41-eluate of Raji cell lysates four strong protein band, 37, 45, 49 and 62 kD, and a weak band of 92 kD were stained with Coomassie blue. By Western blot (ligand blot) analysis using sgp41 four protein bands, 37, 45, 49 and 62 kD, were observed in sgp41-eluate of Raji cell lysates. To test the individual proteins the five proteins were isolated from the sgp41-eluate of Raji cell lysates. Three proteins, 45, 49 and 62 kD, each could partially inhibit the sgp41-binding to Raji cells. The results suggest that these three proteins in Raji cell lysates are possible candidates for the putative gp41 receptor(s).


Mol Immunol


Molecular immunology


Chen YH,Böck G,Vornhagen R,Steindl F,Katinger H,Dierich MP




Has Abstract


1993-09-01 00:00:00












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