Novel objects in a holeboard probe the role of the locus coeruleus in curiosity: support for two modes of attention in the rat.


:Idazoxan, an alpha 2 adrenoceptor antagonist (2 mg/kg), enhanced novel object investigation in a holeboard in rats as previously reported (V. Devauges & S. J. Sara, 1990). Two weeks of 10 min/day in 37 degrees C water increased dopamine-beta-hydroxylase staining density in the locus coeruleus but did not enhance novel object investigation. In contrast to idazoxan, however, the warm water treatment increased rearing, center entries, and activity, a pattern previously described during tonic infusion of norepinephrine into the hippocampus. Correlations among dopamine-beta-hydroxylase measures and behavior reinforced these tonic norepinephrine/behavior associations. The behavioral effects across the idazoxan and warm water experiments support G. Aston-Jones et al.'s (1999) 2 modes of attention hypothesis for locus coeruleus function: Phasic locus coeruleus activity promotes focused attention; tonic locus coeruleus activity promotes scanning attention.


Behav Neurosci


Behavioral neuroscience


Mansour AA,Babstock DM,Penney JH,Martin GM,McLean JH,Harley CW




Has Abstract


2003-06-01 00:00:00












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