A Friend in Need (of Nutrients) Is a….


:Endophytic fungi are found within the roots of healthy plants, but their function is poorly understood. In this issue, Hiruma et al. demonstrate that, under phosphate-limiting conditions, the endophytic fungus, Colletotrichum tofieldiae, provides growth-promoting and fitness benefits to Arabidopsis, but the plant must restrict fungal growth or risk pathogenesis.






Liberman LM,Benfey PN




Has Abstract


2016-04-07 00:00:00
















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  • Processive recombination by the phage Mu Gin system: implications for the mechanisms of DNA strand exchange, DNA site alignment, and enhancer action.

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  • Enhancement of memory-related long-term facilitation by ApAF, a novel transcription factor that acts downstream from both CREB1 and CREB2.

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  • Endophilin mutations block clathrin-mediated endocytosis but not neurotransmitter release.

    abstract::We have identified mutations in Drosophila endophilin to study its function in vivo. Endophilin is required presynaptically at the neuromuscular junction, and absence of Endophilin dramatically impairs endocytosis in vivo. Mutant larvae that lack Endophilin fail to take up FM1-43 dye in synaptic boutons, indicating an...


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  • Precursor molecules of both human 5S ribosomal RNA and transfer RNAs are bound by a cellular protein reactive with anti-La lupus antibodies.

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  • Bcl-x(L) retrotranslocates Bax from the mitochondria into the cytosol.

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  • Genome sequencing reveals loci under artificial selection that underlie disease phenotypes in the laboratory rat.

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  • 4E-BP extends lifespan upon dietary restriction by enhancing mitochondrial activity in Drosophila.

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  • Influence of histone H1 on chromatin structure.

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  • Structural convergence between Cryo-EM and NMR reveals intersubunit interactions critical for HIV-1 capsid function.

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  • In Praise of Descriptive Science: A Breath of Fresh AIRE.

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  • Function of Neurospora mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase in RNA splicing requires an idiosyncratic domain not found in other synthetases.

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  • The Cdk-activating kinase (CAK) from budding yeast.

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  • Targeted disruption of the trkB neurotrophin receptor gene results in nervous system lesions and neonatal death.

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  • From structure to systems: high-resolution, quantitative genetic analysis of RNA polymerase II.

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  • IL-6DBP, a nuclear protein involved in interleukin-6 signal transduction, defines a new family of leucine zipper proteins related to C/EBP.

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