Further evidence that stress hyperthermia is a fever.


:Exposure of rats to an open-field results in a rapid rise in body temperature. Fifty-four percent of this rise in body temperature was blocked by intracerebroventricular administration of the antipyretic drug sodium salicylate. Intraperitoneal administration of indomethacin, a potent blocker of prostaglandin production, also attenuated the stress-induced hyperthermia to the same degree. Based on the data presented in this and an earlier study, we conclude that a major component of the rise in body temperature induced by psychological stress in rats is mediated by prostaglandins released by the central nervous system, and may therefore be a fever.


Physiol Behav


Physiology & behavior


Kluger MJ,O'Reilly B,Shope TR,Vander AJ




Has Abstract


1987-01-01 00:00:00














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