Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Swedish population samples.


:As a contribution to the geographic coverage of EMPOP, currently the best available forensic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) database, a total of 299 Swedish individuals were analysed by sequencing of the first and second hypervariable regions of the mtDNA genome. In this sample set, a total of 179 different haplotypes were detected. The genetic diversity was estimated to be 0.9895 (±0.0023), and the random match probability was 1.39 %. The most abundant haplogroups were HV (including its subhaplogroups H andV) with a frequency of 46.5%, followed by haplogroup U(including its subhaplogroup K) at 27.8 %, haplogroup T at 10.0 % and haplogroup J at 7.0 %, a distribution that is consistent with previous observations in other European populations.


Int J Legal Med


Lembring M,van Oven M,Montelius M,Allen M




Has Abstract


2013-11-01 00:00:00












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