Effects of brief training on use of automated external defibrillators by people without medical expertise.


OBJECTIVE:This study examined the effect of three types of brief training on the use of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) by 43 lay users. BACKGROUND:Because AEDs were recently approved for home use, brief training for nonprofessional users needs investigation. METHOD:During training, the exposure training group read an article about AEDs that provided no information on how to operate them; the low-training group inspected the AED and read the operating instructions in the paper-based manual but was not allowed to use the device; and the high-training group watched a training video and performed a mock resuscitation using the AED but no manikin. All participants returned 2 weeks later and performed a surprise simulated AED resuscitation on a manikin. RESULTS:Most participants in each training group met criteria of minimally acceptable performance during the simulated manikin resuscitation, as measured by time to first shock, pad placement accuracy, and safety check performance. All participants who committed errors were able to successfully recover from them to complete the resuscitation. Compared with exposure training, the low and high training had a beneficial effect on time to first shock and errors. CONCLUSION:Untrained users were able to adequately use this AED, demonstrating walk-up-and-use usability, but additional brief training improved user performance. APPLICATION:This study demonstrated the importance of providing high-quality but brief training for home AED users. In conjunction with other findings, the current study helps demonstrate the need for well-designed training for consumer medical devices.


Hum Factors


Human factors


Mitchell KB,Gugerty L,Muth E




Has Abstract


2008-04-01 00:00:00












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