Score tests for familial correlation in genotyped-proband designs.


:In the genotyped-proband design, a proband is selected based on an observed phenotype, the genotype of the proband is observed, and then the phenotypes of all first-degree relatives are obtained. The genotypes of these first-degree relatives are not observed. Gail et al. [(1999) Genet Epidemiol] discuss likelihood analysis of this design under the assumption that the phenotypes are conditionally independent of one another given the observed and unobserved genotypes. Li and Thompson [(1997) Biometrics 53:282-293] give an example where this assumption is suspect, thus suggesting that it is important to develop tests for conditional independence. In this paper, we develop a score test for the conditional independence assumption in models that might include covariates or observation of genotypes for some of the first degree relatives. The problem can be cast more generally as one of score testing in the presence of missing covariates. A standard analysis would require specifying a distribution for the covariates, which is not convenient and could lead to a lack of model-robustness. We show that by considering a natural conditional likelihood, and basing the score test on it, a simple analysis results. The methods are applied to a study of the penetrance for breast cancer of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations among Ashkenazi Jews.


Genet Epidemiol


Genetic epidemiology


Carroll RJ,Gail MH,Benichou J,Pee D




Has Abstract


2000-04-01 00:00:00














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