Expression of intrapulmonary surfactant apoprotein-A in autopsied lungs: comparative study of cases with or without pulmonary hypoplasia.


:To investigate the functional maturity of the lungs of infants with pulmonary hypoplasia, we measured the expression of surfactant apoprotein-A (SP-A) in the autopsied lungs. Autopsied lungs were taken from 16 infants who died at birth or soon after. A lung-to-body weight ratio of less than 1.2% was defined as pulmonary hypoplasia. Eight infants were classified as belonging to the normal group, and eight as belonging to the pulmonary hypoplasia group. Many of the pulmonary hypoplasia group were complicated not only by pulmonary hypoplasia, but also by amniotic fluid volume abnormalities or an anatomical malformation. We measured the expression of SP-A immunologically using murine anti-human SP-A MAb in the autopsied lung tissue, and subjected the tissue to SP-A staining by the direct staining method. The expression of SP-A was assessed as one of four grades: -, +/-, 1+, 2+. The staining intensity of SP-A was high at 1+ or stronger in five infants of the normal group. SP-A expression was significantly reduced, however, in all infants of the pulmonary hypoplasia group except for one infant with normal amniotic fluid volume and relatively mild pulmonary hypoplasia. There was a significant negative correlation between the staining intensity of SP-A and two factors: pulmonary hypoplasia and abnormal amniotic fluid volume (p = 0.039 and p = 0.0063, respectively). In the present study, we demonstrated that SP-A expression was significantly reduced in infants with pulmonary hypoplasia. We speculate that the functional maturity of the lungs of infants with pulmonary hypoplasia is also suppressed.


Pediatr Res


Pediatric research


Minowa H,Takahashi Y,Kawaguchi C,Sadou T,Konishi N,Nishikubo T,Yoshioka A




Has Abstract


2000-11-01 00:00:00












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