miR-130b regulates gap junctional intercellular communication through connexin 43 in granulosa cells from patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.


:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, noncoding RNAs that negatively regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally. We explored whether connexin 43 (Cx43) was differently expressed in luteinized granulosa cells from women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) compared with luteinized granulosa cells from women with a normal menstrual cycle, and whether certain miRNAs regulate the Cx43 level and gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). The miRNA profile was investigated in ovarian cortex tissues from five women with PCOS and five women without PCOS using a miRNA microarray. The levels of miR-130b and Cx43 mRNA were measured using real-time PCR in human luteinized granulosa cells from 20 women with PCOS and 25 women without PCOS. Protein and mRNA expression analysis and luciferase assays were conducted to confirm the substrate of miR-130b. PCOS ovarian cortex showed differential expression of miRNAs compared with non-PCOS ovarian cortex. Furthermore, miR-130b levels were increased in PCOS ovarian cortex and in luteinized granulosa cells compared with those in women with normal menstrual cycles, whereas the level of Cx43 mRNA, the identified target of miR-130b, was decreased in granulosa cells from patients with PCOS. Overexpression of miR-130b in a granulosa cell line resulted in reduced Cx43 protein levels and inhibited GJIC using scrape loading and dye transfer assay. Meanwhile, inhibition of miR-130b increased the Cx43 level. In conclusion, miR-130b was increased in PCOS granulosa cells, where it targets Cx43 to affect GJIC. The results of the present study suggested that miR-130b, via post-transcriptional regulation of Cx43, is involved in the pathophysiology of PCOS, which provides new insight into the pathological mechanism of PCOS.


Mol Hum Reprod


Jiang L,Huang H,Qian Y,Li Y,Chen X,Di N,Yang D




Has Abstract


2020-08-01 00:00:00














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