Surveillance and Testing for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, Saudi Arabia, April 2015-February 2016.


:Saudi Arabia has reported >80% of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) cases worldwide. During April 2015-February 2016, Saudi Arabia identified and tested 57,363 persons (18.4/10,000 residents) with suspected MERS-CoV infection; 384 (0.7%) tested positive. Robust, extensive, and timely surveillance is critical for limiting virus transmission.


Emerg Infect Dis


Saeed AA,Abedi GR,Alzahrani AG,Salameh I,Abdirizak F,Alhakeem R,Algarni H,El Nil OA,Mohammed M,Assiri AM,Alabdely HM,Watson JT,Gerber SI




Has Abstract


2017-04-01 00:00:00












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