On the respective roles of the two proteins encoded by the Bacillus sphaericus 1593M toxin genes expressed in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.


:The 3.6 kb HindIII DNA fragment of B. sphaericus 1593M chromosomal DNA bears two genes encoding two polypeptides of 41.9 kDa (protein "42") and 51.4 kDa (protein "51"). DNA fragments carrying only one of these two genes when expressed in E. coli yield products that are inactive towards Culex larvae. The larvicidal activity is recovered when Triton X-100 treated E. coli cells containing each one of the two genes are incubated together. In E. coli these two polypeptides are acting synergistically. The protein "51" appears to be involved in the maturation of protein "42" for expression of the larvicidal activity. In B. subtilis however the toxicity is expressed by cells carrying only the gene coding for protein "42". There is no need of the "51" gene product for the maturation of the "42" polypeptide, suggesting that the maturation is most likely accomplished by host enzymes.


de la Torre F,Bennardo T,Sebo P,Szulmajster J




Has Abstract


1989-11-15 00:00:00














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