Identification of a short interspersed repetitive element insertion polymorphism in the porcine MX1 promoter associated with resistance to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection.


:The myxovirus resistance (Mx) proteins belong to the dynamin superfamily and are important for innate host defence against RNA viruses. In this study, we demonstrate that positive elements are present in the two promoter regions of -2713 to -2565 and -688 to -431 in the porcine MX1 gene. Sequencing and alignment of the amplified porcine MX1 gene promoter region identified a short interspersed repetitive element (SINE) insertion of 275 bp at site -547. At this site, allele B (an insertion of 275 bp) is dominant in Chinese indigenous pig breeds but has a workable minor allele frequency in western lean-type pig breeds. Luciferase activity was compared between promoters with and without the insertion of the 275-bp fragment in transiently transfected MARC-145 cells. The insertion of the 275-bp fragment increased the luciferase activity significantly (P < 0.05) both prior to and post-porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus inoculation. These results suggest that the SINE insertion polymorphism at site -547 of the MX1 gene promoter region is a potential DNA marker for PRRS resistance in pigs.


Anim Genet


Animal genetics


Li Y,Liang S,Liu H,Sun Y,Kang L,Jiang Y




Has Abstract


2015-08-01 00:00:00












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