The nonstructural proteins of Sindbis virus as studied with an antibody specific for the C terminus of the nonstructural readthrough polyprotein.


:A dodecapeptide containing the sequence of the C terminus of the nonstructural polyprotein of Sindbis virus has been synthesized and used to immunize rabbits. The antisera obtained precipitated polypeptides from cells infected with the HR strains of Sindbis or with temperature-sensitive mutants ts11 or ts18. Four different polypeptides, having apparent molecular weights of approximately 250,000, 220,000, 155,000, and 72,000, were immunoprecipitated by the antipeptide antiserum. The largest of these polypeptides is sufficiently large to represent a polyprotein translated from the entire nonstructural region of the genome. These data suggest that nsP4 of molecular weight 72,000 is produced by translation of the entire nonstructural region of the genome, which requires readthrough of an opal termination codon immediately upstream of nsP4, followed by post-translational cleavage of this polyprotein. The amounts of nsP4 and its precursors found in infected cells are small relative to the amounts of other nonstructural proteins present, as would be expected if readthrough of a termination codon is required. In addition, the relative amounts of nsP4 and of its precursors differ in HR-infected or ts mutant-infected cells and differ with temperature of infection, suggesting that temperature of infection or ts lesions affect translation and processing of the precursor polyprotein.






Lopez S,Bell JR,Strauss EG,Strauss JH




Has Abstract


1985-03-01 00:00:00














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