Inclusion of targeted therapies in the standard of care for metastatic colorectal cancer patients in a German cancer center: the more the better?!


PURPOSE:Significant prolongation of overall survival (OS) has been reached in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) treatment within the last 5-10 years. Our study was conducted in order to evaluate and compare OS of different standard of care treatment options in a university-based outpatient clinic. METHODS:One hundred and three mCRC patients were identified by retrospective analysis and treated according to available guidelines. OS was analyzed according to the different combinations of first- and second-line treatments. RESULTS:mCRC patients revealed an mOS of 34.4 months. Patients receiving anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) blockade in at least one treatment line showed a significantly longer survival time (p = 0.0056) versus patients without any bevacizumab. No OS differences were detected comparing the different first- and second-line chemotherapy (CTX) strategies in the unselected population. However, wild-type (wt) Kras patients treated with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy plus CTX in first-line therapy showed significantly longer OS compared to those receiving only additional VEGF inhibition or no targeted therapy (p = 0.0056; mOS 46.8 vs. 20.4 months, respectively). wt Kras patients profited in trend (p = 0.076) from CTX combinations of first-line anti-EGFR followed by second-line anti-VEGF compared to first-line anti-VEGF followed by second-line anti-EGFR (mOS 46.8 vs. 19.2 months, respectively). CONCLUSIONS:Our results indicate successful allocation of the current mCRC treatment according to the Kras status. Differences in OS of wt Kras patients indicated the further need for randomized trials to define the potential benefit of sequential therapy with EGFR inhibition in first-line therapy followed by VEGFR inhibition vice versa.


Moehler M,Thomaidis T,Zeifri C,Barhoom T,Marquardt J,Ploch P,Schattenberg J,Maderer A,Schimanski CC,Weinmann A,Woerns MA,Kranich AL,Warnecke JM,Galle PR




Has Abstract


2015-03-01 00:00:00












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