The effect of steroids on the size heterogeneity of pituitary prolactin in castrate male rats.


:Male Sprague-Dawley rats were castrated and given daily sc. injections of estradiol (E2, 10 micrograms/day), testosterone propionate (TP, 1.0 mg/day), dihydrotestosterone (DHT, 1.0 mg/day) or sesame oil (SO, 0.2 ml/day). A group of sham castrate males received daily sc. injections of SO (0.2 ml/day). On day 8 of steroid treatment animals were decapitated and anterior pituitaries were removed and hemisected. Each half was homogenized in PBS buffer (0.01 M Na2HPO4-NaH2PO4; 0.14 M NaCl; 0.1% bovine serum albumin) at either pH 7.6 or 10.6. Homogenates were chromatographed on Sephadex G-100 columns and eluted fractions were assayed for prolactin (PRL) by RIA. Four immunoreactive forms of PRL, designated as "void volume," "big big," "big" and "little," were eluted from the pituitary homogenates of each experimental group. Homogenates obtained at pH 7.6 contained a greater percentage of PRL in the "void volume" and less activity in the "big" and "little" forms than pH 10.6 homogenates in all experimental groups. Pituitaries from SO- and TP-treated castrate animals contained significantly greater percentages of activity in the "void volume" at pH 7.6 compared to the other groups. At pH 10.6, the pituitary homogenates from the E2-treated group eluted a significantly greater percentage of "big" PRL and a smaller percentage of "little" PRL compared to all other groups. These findings suggest that androgenic and estrogenic steroids may play a role in the pituitary PRL molecular size profile of the male rat.


Life Sci


Life sciences


Haisenleder DJ,Lawson DM,Gala RR




Has Abstract


1984-01-02 00:00:00














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