Analysis of the causes of death on the medical wards of the University College Hospital, Ibadan over a 14-year period (1960-1973).


:An analysis was carried out of the mortality rate on the medical wards of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, over a 14-year period (1960-73). A total of 4,568 cases were reviewed with an annual death rate of between 300 and 400. Most of the deaths resulted from cardiovascular diseases, especially hypertension, the mortality rate from which has shown no appreciable decline over the years. Death from cerebrovascular accident is steadily increasing. Infections contribute considerably to mortality from chest and alimentary tract disease, although there has been a progressive decline in mortality rates from infectious diseases such as tetanus and typhoid fever. The standard of death certification needs to be improved upon, especially with respect to the clarification of the primary and the contributory causes of death and whether post-mortem examination was carrie dout or not. It is suggested that more effort should be made to ensure that post-mortem examination is carried out in cases where there is doubt about the ante-mortem diagnosis unless such a request is specifically refused by the relatives of the deceased after explaining to them the value of such an examination to medical knowledge.


Adetuyibi A,Akisanya JB,Onadeko BO




Has Abstract


1976-01-01 00:00:00












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