Identification of a MMTV insertion mutation within the coding region of the Fgf-3 protooncogene.


:The Fgf-3 protooncogene (previously called int-2) is a target of proviral insertion mutations in mammary tumors induced by the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). These insertion mutations result in the transcriptional activation of Fgf-3, which is not normally expressed in the adult mammary gland. Previous mapping studies of numerous Fgf-3 insertion mutations have failed to reveal any provirus integrations within the gene coding region. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that oncogenesis occurs in this system as a consequence of up-regulation of Fgf-3 transcription, rather than from alterations of the gene product. During an analysis of a new cohort of tumors from the WXG-2 mouse strain, a breast tumor was identified which had a MMTV provirus integrated 24 bp upstream of the Fgf-3 stop codon. This insertion mutation generated a fusion transcript which was readily detectable in tumor RNA by RT-PCR. The predicted protein product of this fusion transcript is missing 8 aa of native sequence and contains an additional 8 aa of cryptic MMTV-encoded sequence. These data document the first exception to the generalization that the Fgf-3 coding region is not disrupted by MMTV insertion mutation.






Morris DW,Dutra JC




Has Abstract


1997-11-10 00:00:00
















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