Chondrosarcoma with myxoid change: a study using a quick-freezing and deep-etching method.


:A middle-aged Japanese woman visited the Orthopedics Department of Nihon University Nerima Hikarigaoka Hospital complaining of pain in the left hip joint that had started approximately 8 months earlier. Following several examinations, including imaging diagnoses, an incisional biopsy demonstrated a malignant acetabular bone tumor, which was removed and examined by a quick-freezing and deep-etching (QF-DE) method, conventional electron microscopy, and light microscopy. Histologically, the tumor was a chondrosarcoma with marked myxoid changes. An interesting extracellular matrix was observed by the QF-DE method. The myxoid area consisted of a fine meshwork of proteoglycans (PG) without obvious aggrecans, which resembled that of PG usually present in the pericellular matrix of normal cartilage. Thin collagen fibrils with pleated surface structures of regular periodicity were also seen, which were sparsely distributed in wide areas except for the pericellular matrix. These collagen fibrils were of the type that are mainly located in the pericellular side of the territorial matrix in normal cartilage. A myxoid matrix consisting of thin collagen fibrils on the background of pericellular type PG suggested that the myxoid matrix in the chondrosarcoma resembled those of the pericellular and pericellular sides of the territorial matrices in normal cartilage.


Ultrastruct Pathol


Hemmi A,Osaka S,Sumie O,Nemoto N,Ohno N,Terada N,Fujii Y,Ohno S




Has Abstract


2007-07-01 00:00:00














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