DNA relatedness among species of Enterobacter and Serratia.


:Species of Enterobacter and Serratia were examined for deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness to Klebsielleae, to atypical erwiniae, and to other members of Enterobacteriaceae. Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization and then hydroxyapatite chromatography was the technique used to assess relatedness. Strains of Enterobacter cloacae formed two separate hybridization groups that correlate with the presence or absence of yellow pigment. Pigmented E. cloacae were 75-100% related, but they were only 40-50% related to unpigmented strains. Conversely, unpigmented strains were 70% or more related but were only 40-50% related to the pigmented strains. Both pigmented and unpigmented E. cloacae were 40-45% related to Enterobacter aerogenes and klebsiellae, and 20-30% related to Serratia species and Enterobacter hafniae. Atypical erwiniae were highly related to E. cloacae. Serratia marcescens strains formed one closely related group. Serratia liquefaciens strains formed a single, more disperse, relatedness group, as did isolates of Serratia rubidaea. These species were related throughout a substantial portion of their genomes. A group of lysine-positive "Citrobacter-like" strains were 40-50% related to Serratia species. Only four E. hafniae strains were tested. Two of these were highly related, while the other two were only 50% related to the reference strain. Enterobacter hafniae was only 15-20% related to other Enterobacteriaceae.


Can J Microbiol


Steigerwalt AG,Fanning GR,Fife-Asbury MA,Brenner DJ




Has Abstract


1976-02-01 00:00:00












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