Brain structure in men remains highly heritable in the seventh and eighth decades of life.


:The midsagittal cross-sectional dimensions of the corpus callosum, the coronal cross-sectional area of the lateral ventricles at the level of the pons, and a three-dimensional estimate of intracranial volume were derived from magnetic resonance brain images obtained from 45 monozygotic and 40 dizygotic male twin pairs aged 68 to 78. Univariate genetic analyses indicated strong genetic influences contributing significantly to the variability of each brain structure. The estimated proportion of genetic variance (i.e. heritability) was 81% for intracranial volume, 79% for the midline cross-sectional area of the corpus callosum, and 79% for lateral ventricle size. There was no evidence that shared environmental influences contributed significantly to twin-pair similarities. We further used bivariate genetic modeling to estimate the genetic and environmental correlation between correlated brain structures. Intracranial volume and corpus callosum area was highly correlated, and this relationship was entirely due to shared genetic effects between these two brain structures. By contrast, the relationship between the height of the corpus callosum and the size of the lateral ventricles was due to both genetic and environmental influences in common. Corresponding genetic and environmental correlations were 0.68 and 0.58, respectively, indicating that more than half of the genetic and environmental influences on these two brain structures were shared. The manner in which the brain responds to the environment with advancing age is highly genetically determined, both for the lateral ventricles, which dilate with aging and disease, and for the corpus callosum, which is deformed in shape by age-related ventricular enlargement, whereas its midline cross-sectional area remains unchanged.


Neurobiol Aging


Neurobiology of aging


Pfefferbaum A,Sullivan EV,Swan GE,Carmelli D




Has Abstract


2000-01-01 00:00:00














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