Supramolecular structure and pasting/digestion behaviors of rice starches following concurrent microwave and heat moisture treatment.


:From a supramolecular structure viewpoint, we concern how concurrent microwave and heat moisture treatment (M/HMT) tailors the pasting and digestion features of indica rice starch (IRS) and waxy rice starch (WRS), using combined analytical methods such as scanning electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering. The results confirm that, for the starches (especially IRS), M/HMT led to a concave granule surface, weakened alignment of helices in lamellae, loosened packing of chains in amorphous regions, and somewhat disrupted crystallites. Consequently, the susceptibility of starch structures to hydrothermal effects was insignificantly altered, as reflected by unchanged pasting temperature; the enzyme absorption/hydrolysis could be properly accelerated, as affirmed by a modestly increased digestion rate and slightly reduced enzymatic resistance. Also, compared to WRS, IRS had more amylose with relatively long branches, which probably contributed to starch chain interactions during M/HMT. This tended to reduce the paste viscosity related to the swelling degree of starch granules, and increase the paste stabilities during heating and cooling related to the robustness of swelled granules and the reorganization of glucan chains.


Int J Biol Macromol


Guo Y,Xu T,Li N,Cheng Q,Qiao D,Zhang B,Zhao S,Huang Q,Lin Q




Has Abstract


2019-08-15 00:00:00












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