Glenohumeral joint cartilage contact in the healthy adult during scapular plane elevation depression with external humeral rotation.


:The shoulder (glenohumeral) joint has the greatest range of motion of all human joints; as a result, it is particularly vulnerable to dislocation and injury. The ability to non-invasively quantify in-vivo articular cartilage contact patterns of joints has been and remains a difficult biomechanics problem. As a result, little is known about normal in-vivo glenohumeral joint contact patterns or the consequences that surgery has on altering them. In addition, the effect of quantifying glenohumeral joint contact patterns by means of proximity mapping, both with and without cartilage data, is unknown. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to (1) describe a technique for quantifying in-vivo glenohumeral joint contact patterns during dynamic shoulder motion, (2) quantify normal glenohumeral joint contact patterns in the young healthy adult during scapular plane elevation depression with external humeral rotation, and (3) compare glenohumeral joint contact patterns determined both with and without articular cartilage data. Our results show that the inclusion of articular cartilage data when quantifying in-vivo glenohumeral joint contact patterns has significant effects on the anterior-posterior contact centroid location, the superior-inferior contact centroid range of travel, and the total contact path length. As a result, our technique offers an advantage over glenohumeral joint contact pattern measurement techniques that neglect articular cartilage data. Likewise, this technique may be more sensitive than traditional 6-Degree-of-Freedom (6-DOF) joint kinematics for the assessment of overall glenohumeral joint health. Lastly, for the shoulder motion tested, we found that glenohumeral joint contact was located on the anterior-inferior glenoid surface.


J Biomech


Journal of biomechanics


Massimini DF,Warner JJ,Li G




Has Abstract


2014-09-22 00:00:00














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