Differential gene expression induction by TRAIL in B chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) cells showing high versus low levels of Zap-70.


:Among 14 peripheral blood samples obtained from patients affected by B chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) at initial stages (Rai 0-1) of the disease, 6 showed intermediate/high levels of Zap-70 while 8 displayed low/absent levels of Zap-70. Although Zap-70(high) and Zap-70(low) B-CLL samples displayed similar levels of surface death receptor TRAIL-R2, recombinant TRAIL induced cytotoxicity only in a subset of Zap-70(low) B-CLL samples while Zap-70(high) were completely resistant to TRAIL. The gene expression profiling was next analyzed in all B-CLL samples treated with either chlorambucil or recombinant TRAIL. While chlorambucil up-regulated the steady-state mRNA levels of known p53 target genes, such as PUMA, Fas/CD95 and MDM2 in all B-CLL samples examined, it significantly down-regulated survivin in Zap-70(low) but not in Zap-70(high). On the other hand, recombinant TRAIL up-regulated the expression of several cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-1alpha, IL-8), which have been involved in promoting B-CLL cell survival. In particular, TRAIL selectively up-regulated IL-1beta in Zap-70(low) B-CLL samples, while it markedly and selectively up-regulated its own mRNA and that of cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) in Zap-70(high). Taken together, our findings suggest that a significant expression of Zap-70 modulate the response of B-CLL to TRAIL, which might represents an initial step in the pathogenesis of B-CLL.


J Cell Physiol


Secchiero P,di Iasio MG,Gonelli A,Barbarotto E,Melloni E,Tiribelli M,Chiaruttini C,Zauli G




Has Abstract


2007-10-01 00:00:00












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