Molecular chimerization of Pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin to interleukin-2: effects on cytokine and antigen function.


:A chimeric recombinant protein composed of the lktA gene product from Pasteurella haemolytica fused to bovine interleukin-2 (IL-2) was made. The LKT-IL-2 chimera was compared with recombinant bovine IL-2 with regard to the ability to induce proliferative responses and LAK cell activity in bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro. In both instances, chimerization had no effect on IL-2 activity. Similarly, the LKT component was unaffected in its ability to induce an effective immune response after immunization. The adjuvant properties of IL-2 have been established in a number of models, and this effect was tested by using the chimera. A multiple-injection protocol of LKT-IL-2 was compared with single-dose administration of LKT. The results obtained indicate that while there was no increase in specific antibody production, the IL-2 component of the chimera may be able to affect antigen-specific proliferation, as assessed by limiting-dilution analysis. Use of cytokine-antigen chimeras may provide a valuable antigen-adjuvant formulation that is simple to produce and purify and thus have economic advantages over conventional preparations. Furthermore, chimerization will also ensure that the adjuvant acts at the same site as the antigen, thus optimizing immunostimulatory activity.


Infect Immun


Infection and immunity


Hughes HP,Campos M,Potter AA,Babiuk LA




Has Abstract


1992-02-01 00:00:00












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