The Drosophila mei-S332 gene promotes sister-chromatid cohesion in meiosis following kinetochore differentiation.


:The Drosophila mei-S332 gene acts to maintain sister-chromatid cohesion before anaphase II of meiosis in both males and females. By isolating and analyzing seven new alleles and a deficiency uncovering the mei-S332 gene we have demonstrated that the onset of the requirement for mei-S332 is not until late anaphase I. All of our alleles result primarily in equational (meiosis II) nondisjunction with low amounts of reductional (meiosis I) nondisjunction. Cytological analysis revealed that sister chromatids frequently separate in late anaphase I in these mutants. Since the sister chromatids remain associated until late in the first division, chromosomes segregate normally during meiosis I, and the genetic consequences of premature sister-chromatid dissociation are seen as nondisjunction in meiosis II. The late onset of mei-S332 action demonstrated by the mutations was not a consequence of residual gene function because two strong, and possibly null, alleles give predominantly equational nondisjunction both as homozygotes and in trans to a deficiency. mei-S332 is not required until after metaphase I, when the kinetochore differentiates from a single hemispherical kinetochore jointly organized by the sister chromatids into two distinct sister kinetochores. Therefore, we propose that the mei-S322 product acts to hold the doubled kinetochore together until anaphase II. All of the alleles are fully viable when in trans to a deficiency, thus mei-S332 is not essential for mitosis. Four of the alleles show an unexpected sex specificity.






Kerrebrock AW,Miyazaki WY,Birnby D,Orr-Weaver TL



Has Abstract


1992-04-01 00:00:00














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