Amylin reduces food intake more potently than calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) when injected into the lateral brain ventricle in rats.


:Amylin and the structurally and functionally related peptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) have been shown to reduce food intake in rats. The aim of the present study was to compare the anorectic potency of both peptides over a wide dose range when administered into the lateral brain ventricle (ICV). Furthermore, we also tested the influence of a lesion in the area postrema/nucleus of the solitary tract (AP/NTS) region on the anorectic effects of amylin and CGRP after ICV administration because AP/NTS lesion has been shown to reduce the anorectic effects of both peptides when injected intraperitoneally (IP). Amylin [1-510 pmol/rat (0.004-2 microg/rat) ICV] and CGRP [1-131 pmol/rat (0.004-0.5 microg/rat) ICV] dose-dependently reduced food intake in food-deprived rats. At a dose of 26 pmol/rat (0.1 microg/rat), amylin almost completely suppressed food intake for 1 h after injection. Amylin [EC50 = 2 pmol/rat (0.007 microg/rat)] was markedly more potent than CGRP [57 pmol/rat (0.215 microg/rat)] with regard to its anorectic effect. A lesion in the AP/NTS region did not influence the anorectic effects of amylin and CGRP after administration into the lateral ventricle. It is concluded that amylin is more potent than CGRP in reducing food intake after administration into the lateral brain ventricle. Receptors in the forebrain may mediate the anorectic effects of both peptides when administered via this route.






Lutz TA,Rossi R,Althaus J,Del Prete E,Scharrer E




Has Abstract


1998-01-01 00:00:00
















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