Fibrinogen Longmont. A heterozygous abnormal fibrinogen with B beta Arg-166 to Cys substitution associated with defective fibrin polymerization.


:B beta Arg166 to Cys substitution was identified in an abnormal fibrinogen named fibrinogen Longmont. The proband, a young woman, and her mother were heterozygous; both experienced episodes of severe hemorrhage at childbirth. The neo-Cys residues were found to be disulfide-bridged to either an isolated Cys amino acid or to the corresponding Cys residue of another abnormal fibrinogen molecule, forming dimers. Thrombin and batroxobin induced fibrin polymerization were impaired, despite normal release of fibrinopeptides A and B. Moreover, the polymerization defect was not corrected by removing the dimeric species or adding calcium. Fibrinogen Longmont had normal polymerization site a, as evidenced by normal GPRP-peptide binding. Thus, the sites A and a can interact to form protofibrils, as evidenced by dynamic light scattering measurements. These protofibrils, however, do not associate laterally in a normal manner, leading to an abnormal clot formation.


Ann N Y Acad Sci


Lounes KC,Lefkowitz JB,Coates AI,Hantgan RR,Henschen-Edman A,Lord ST


Has Abstract


2001-01-01 00:00:00










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