Amine oxidases and monooxygenases in the in vivo metabolism of xenobiotic amines in humans: has the involvement of amine oxidases been neglected?


:In this review, the major enzyme systems involved in vivo in the oxidative metabolism of xenobiotic amines in humans are discussed, i.e. the monooxygenases [cytochrome P450 system (CYPs) and flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs)] and the amine oxidases (AOs). Concerning the metabolism of xenobiotic amines (drugs in particular) by monoamine oxidases (MAOs), this aspect has been largely neglected in the past. An exception is the extensive investigation carried out on the inhibition of the metabolism of tyramine, when tyramine-containing food is ingested by subjects taking inhibitors of MAO A or of both MAO A and B. Moreover, investigations in humans on the metabolism of drug amines on the market by AOs, such as semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAOs) and polyamine oxidases (PAOs), are practically nonexistent, with the exception of amlodipine. In contrast to MAOs, monooxygenases (CYP isoenzymes more than FMOs) have been extensively investigated concerning their involvement in the metabolism of xenobiotics. It is possible that the contribution of AOs to the overall metabolism of xenobiotic amines in humans is underestimated or erroneously estimated, as most investigations of drug metabolism are performed using in vitro test systems optimized for CYP activity, such as liver microsomes, and most investigations of drug metabolism in vivo in humans carry out only the identification of the final, stable metabolites. However, for some drugs on the market, the involvement of MAOs in their in vivo metabolism in humans has been demonstrated recently, among these drugs citalopram, sertraline and the triptans are examples that can be mentioned.


Fundam Clin Pharmacol


Strolin Benedetti M,Tipton KF,Whomsley R




Has Abstract


2007-10-01 00:00:00














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